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Jumat, 28 April 2017

My Paranormal Experience at TPU Jeruk Purut

This terrible experience stems from my fad with three of my friends who are not working and do not know what to do. On the sunny weeks my friends and I were together to chat. Then one of my friends suggested to go out because he felt very saturated. After mutually suggesting the place of destination finally selected TPU Jeruk Purut. We were curious because supposedly the place was spooky.

To get there we used two motorcycles with one motorcycle containing two people. The journey takes about 1 hour. There are also many people who want to test his guts to see mystical things in that place. We immediately parking our motorcycle and met a TPU guard. The guardian is an old man around the age of 40-50s and always carry a stick in his hand, commonly called Babeh. Me and my friends meet Babeh to ask to be directed to the points where appearances often appear. Babeh formed a group to be guided to the place. Previously it is also advisable to burn a clove cigarette to be able to invite these creatures. We also walk in two rows back and of course I am in the middle because I do not want to be in front or behind. After walking not long enough Babeh stopped and pointed to a large tree in front of her. He said, "Look ahead, something moves right?". Suddenly me and my friends was shocked because there is a really dark shadow that looks very clearly moving around the tree. I thought it was just an ordinary shadow, it turns out I was wrong and true it was the appearance of a spirits. Babeh told him that near the big tree was a new grave of suicidal women jumping from the building. Everyone was silent looking curious but afraid of the tree. 

After quite a while I stood up finally my friends decided to go somewhere else. Another place is where the normally appearing ghost headed a stump. We were seated in a circle with a back-to-back position. But after sitting long enough about half an hour we did not find anything. We decided to go back to the place, but when walking not too far my friend saw clearly a white shadow approaching one of the people in my group. Because shocked people who see this white shadow run, see one of the other running people ran because the atmosphere was so creepy there, until somebody ran but stumbled the grave and fell. After arriving at the beginning we rested and told each other the experiences he had seen each of these TPU Jeruk Purut. The hour already showed at half past three am, we decided to hurry away from the place and go home.

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